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Our Product: Bauxite

Extracting Bauxite to Produce Aluminum

Because of its high alumina and iron oxide content, bauxite is an essential ore in the production of aluminum and gallium. When processed, bauxite is a key component of the automotive, aeronautics and more generally the transport industries – notably used for the construction of electric batteries – and the construction industry.
Once mined, the bauxite is evacuated by rail from the Santou and Houda mining areas (Telimele Prefecture) to the Dapilon river terminal (Boké Prefecture). Through this infrastructure, production is expected to reach 36 million tons in 2023 and 38 million tons in 2024. The railroad required the construction of numerous engineering structures for an investment of USD 1.2 billion. Technical, environmental and social studies have validated the sustainability of the project in its construction and management.